Autism Assessments

About Us

Qualified Specialists in Autism Assessment

All of the psychologists in our practice are either current or former Qualified Specialists in the BC Autism Assessment Network (BCAAN) or the equivalent in other jurisdictions. This is important because BCAAN offers training and standardization across all hospital-based practitioners to improve reliability and consistency. As you will see, our psychologists have unparalleled expertise in this area; you can trust our psychologists’ diagnosis.

Dr. Kelly Price, R.Psych.

I obtained my B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc., and Ph.D. from the University of Victoria's APA/CPA Accredited Department of Psychology with an emphasis in Clinical Neuropsychology. I completed my residency at the Alberta Children's Hospital in Child Clinical and Pediatric Psychology. I am registered with the College of Psychologists of BC (#1795). I am:

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Victoria Department of Psychology

  • Clinical Instructor, University of British Columbia Department of Psychiatry

I have been doing autism assessments since 2005, and was the Senior Psychologist with Island Health from 2011 to 2017. I was also the Senior Clinician in the VICAN/BCAAN system, and continue as a Qualified Specialist in that system. I was the Senior Psychologist in the BC Ministry of Children and Family Development from 2017 to 2023. I am a provincial psychology consultant for Community Living BC.

I am a member of the editorial board of Child Neuropsychology, the official scientific journal of the pediatric branch of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology. I have published research on autism and neuropsychology, and I review articles on behalf of the editors of over a dozen scientific journals in child psychology and psychiatry, and medical ethics.

I have taught PhD students at the University of Victoria. I have trained many medical students as well as residents in psychology, psychiatry, and pediatrics. Early in my career, I was a school psychologist in the Greater Victoria district.

Finally, I am also the parent of three children, and understand the perspective of parents and families trying their best.

Dr. Mary Anne Leason, R.Psych.

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I received my BSc (Hons.) from the University of Alberta, then attended the University of Victoria, where I obtained my MA and PhD degrees from the Department of Psychology’s Clinical Psychology program, with an emphasis on Clinical Neuropsychology.  I am registered with the College of Psychologists of BC (#1174), and continue to upgrade my skills through ongoing training and consultation with other professionals.   

I have devoted my 25-year career in clinical psychology to public service, providing care to children under the age of six.   I worked initially as an Early Childhood Intervention psychologist with Child and Youth Mental Health services, a branch of the Ministry for Children and Family Development.   For the past sixteen years I worked as a psychologist at Queen Alexandra Centre for Children’s Health in the Early Intervention Program, providing assessment and treatment for small children facing a variety of neurodevelopmental challenges.

In 2003, I was accredited as a Qualified Specialist in autism assessment by the BC Autism Assessment Network.   I continue to provide assessments for this public health organization through the Vancouver Island Children’s Assessment Network, serving primarily children under the age of six.

I am a mother of two, a grandmother of three, and a guardian of a border collie and Quarter horse.

Dr. Leason primarily completes assessments for preschool age children.

Dr. Tara Tunstall, R.Psych.

I obtained my B.Sc. (Hons.) in Psychology, my M.A. in Special Education and my Ph.D. from the University of Toronto’s APA/CPA Accredited Department of Psychology with an emphasis on educational Psychology. I completed internships at Surrey Place Centre for Autism, Mc Master University Hospital and then worked in a variety of children’s mental health organizations. I have been registered with the College of Psychologists of BC (#1227) since 1996.

I initially worked in a Child Development Centre and then for Child and Youth Mental Health. In 2006 I was accredited as a Qualified Specialist in autism assessments by the BC Autism Assessment Network and began working for VICAN/BCAAN where I stayed until 2017, primarily assessing children and youth for Autism Spectrum Disorders. In 2017 I shifted my focus to consulting for VIHA on complex cases of adolescents and adults with developmental delays and mental health issues through DDMHT. I have taught Developmental Psychology at City University in their Master’s program, have guest lectured at Vancouver Island University, University of Victoria as well provided as workshops in national and international conferences. I keep my skills current through ongoing training and consultation with other professionals.

I have a daughter in University and for fun I race sailboats and hike the island.

Dr. Sarah Macoun, R. Psych.

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I obtained my B.Sc. (Hon), M.Sc., and Ph.D. from the University of Victoria’s APA/CPA Accredited Clinical Psychology Program, with an emphasis in Pediatric Clinical Neuropsychology. I completed my residency at the University of Minnesota Medical School, in Pediatric Clinical Neuropsychology, Psychiatry, and Health-Psychology, with a focus on genetic, psychiatric, and neurodevelopmental disorders. I have been registered with the College of Psychologists of British Columbia (CPBC 1549) since 2001 and am appointed member of the CPBC’s Registration Committee. I am a tenured Associate Professor at the University of Victoria, where I teach and supervise students within the M.Sc. and Ph.D. Clinical Psychology/Neuropsychology programs. I also maintain a part-time clinical practice and continue to engage in regular consultation with families, schools, community agencies/professionals in addition to mentorship/supervision activities for community-based psychologists. Prior to joining the University of Victoria, I had 15 years of expertise working with children and families with neurodevelopmental disorders within school, hospital, and community settings, including those with ASD, ADHD, FASD, and Learning Disorders. I worked for 10 years as a Registered Psychologist within the Sooke School district, with a somewhat unique role to that District which involved a focus on Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnostics and complex needs assessments. My research is focused on cognitive/behavioural profiles in neurodevelopmental disorders and treatment innovations for children with attention and executive function difficulties. My research is currently funded by Kids Brain Health Network (National Centres of Excellence Program) and the Ministry of Health and has been presented nationally and internationally. I have published my work in numerous scientific journals and am a journal reviewer for several journals focused on child neuropsychology and developmental disorders (Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Autism, Psychological Assessment, Pediatrics, Frontiers in Autism, etc.). I grew up in the Victoria area, and am raising 3 wonderful children

Dr. Sonya Vellet, R.Psych.

Dr. vellet works out of Comox. if you are having an appointment with her, we will ensure that comox works best for you. She is located at 109-618 Anderton Road in comox.

Dr. Vellet primarily completes assessments for preschool age children.

I received my B.A. (Hons.) from Queen’s University (Kingston), a double M.A. in Developmental Psychology and Education of the Gifted from Teachers College, Columbia University (New York), and my Ph.D. in Child Clinical Psychology from the University of Windsor’s APA/CPA accredited program. I completed my pre-doctoral internship in Child Clinical Psychology at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (Ottawa) and a postdoctoral fellowship in Pediatric Psychology at the University of Texas (Houston). I have been registered with the College of Psychologists of BC (#2113) since 2014 and, prior to that, with the College of Alberta Psychologists. I continue to upgrade my skills through ongoing training and consultation with other professionals.

I have been in private practice for 17 years, primarily working with families with infants and young children with a range of needs, including having children with complex neurodevelopmental challenges (e.g., Autism Spectrum Disorder), with disruptions in the caregiver-child attachment relationship, and those coping with significant adversity (e.g., trauma, loss, parental mental health challenges, family violence, separation and divorce, children residing in out-of-home care). I provide a variety of evidence-based, trauma-informed, and culturally safe assessment and intervention services (including the ADOS-2 and ADI-R). I have also worked on the traditional territories of the Huu-ay-aht First Nations, Squamish Nation, and Long Lake 58 First Nation and supported Indigenous families involved with the Calgary Urban Project Society, the BC Ministry of Children and Family Development, and Vancouver Aboriginal Child and Family Services Society. My previous academic appointments include as a Clinical Associate in the Department of Psychology at Simon Fraser University, as a sessional instructor in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia, and in the Faculty of Education at Vancouver Island University. I am also passionate about organic gardening/farming, the humane care of animals, and coldwater swimming, and am a potter.

Dr. Megan Ames, R.Psych.

I grew up in Ontario and obtained my B.Sc. (Hon) from Wilfrid Laurier University, then went on to complete an M.A. and Ph.D. in Clinical Developmental Psychology at York University. I completed my residency at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto with a focus on children, youth, and their families. Since moving to beautiful British Columbia, I have been registered with the College of Psychologists of British Columbia (CPBC #2346) since 2017, and maintain a part-time clinical practice and continue to engage in providing client-centred services to children, youth, and families. As a scientist-practitioner and a faculty member at the University of Victoria, one of my lines of research is focused on promoting and advocating for the inclusion and success of neurodivergent students on postsecondary campuses. To find out more about this body of work, please visit:

I have published my work in numerous scientific journals and am a journal reviewer for several journals focused on clinical and health psychology.

Dr. Louise Fennell, R.Psych., ABPP(CN)

See more information on Dr. Fennell on her website.